The impact of environmental factors on the distribution of Macoma balthica (Linnaeus 1758) and Mytilus edulis (Linnaeus 1758) in the southeastern part of the Baltic Sea
This article offers the results of research on the influence of environmental factors on the distribution of two abundant bivalve species – Macoma balthica and Mytilus eduli – in the south-east of the Baltic Sea. First of all, the distribution of species was determined by the types of soils. The distribution of molluscs in deep-water sectors ...
The basic patterns of the distribution, migration and accumulation of radionuclides in the bottom sediment of the Baltic Sea
This paper focuses on the impact of certain factors on the contemporary distribution of natural (226Ra, 232Th, 40К) and anthropogenic (137Cs, 60Co) radionuclides in the sediments of the Baltic Sea. The results of the study suggest that the distribution of 137Cs is determined by the content of hydromica of silty-clay and ...
Modern lines of research on rural population distribution systems
This article analyses contemporary lines of research on the rural population distribution systems and offers a review of the contemporary process in rural areas. The factors affecting the population distribution are identified by the authors.
Алексеев А.
И., Зубаревич Н.
Кризис ...
The distribution of hydrogen absorbed in the course of chromium plating in the base and surface layers of steel
This article analyses the hydrogen distribution profiles in the chromium plating and the steel base in the process of chromium electrodeposition in a standard bath, modified by organic compounds.
Шлугер М.
Ускорение и усовершенствование ...
Сolour terms in the Russian short stories of the early XX and XXI centuries: a corpus study
... due to the author’s personality, historical context, and literary form. Thus, considerable divergence is shown to exist in the individual writers’ preferences for the particular colour terms. However, the differences come down to a unified rank distribution in a sample from the Russian Short Story Corpus 1900—1930, containing stories by a few hundred authors. While not affecting the intra-group rankings of colour terms, the turbulent historical events seem to have spurred their ipm index....