An innovative approach to increasing the financial literacy of non-economics students
This article explores the enhancement of financial literacy in non-economics students. Current national and international practices of distance learning focusing on financial literacy are analysed. The study proposes an innovative approach to teaching the Money and Money Management gamified distance-learning course to non-economics students. The results of course development and implementation ...
The efficiency of applying electronic education technologies at the final stage of preparation for the Unified State Exam in mathematics
Through the case of general educational institutions of the Kaliningrad region, the authors consider the methods for increasing the level of students’ preparation for the Unified State Examination in mathematics through using the system of distance learning for training and monitoring the level of preparation. The authors describe the approach, which makes it possible not only to present the content and function of computer-assisted testing, but also to provide teachers and authorities with a system ...
The application of the hermeneutic technology of remote training the case of the Database course in the framework of Business Informatics bachelor’s programme
Компаративный анализ герменевтической научной методологии // Вестник Томского гос. пед. ун-та. 2010. Вып. 5. С. 32—35.
Nazarov D., Begicheva S.
hermeneutics, information hermeneutics, distance learning, hermeneutics technologies of distance learning, hermeneutical approach to pedagogy, databases.
Distant learning in the Institute of Medicine during the COVID-19 pandemic
... effectiveness of the training is technically dependent and implies that all the lecturers and the students have to be supplied with personal computers with the latest software and the stable high-speed Internet.
Perepelitsa S.A.
medical education, pandemic, distance learning, mind map, abstract, simulation training