On the speech-act nature of the verbal threat.
... act theory. We identify the major content-related components of utterances containing threats and explain how they differ from commissive acts. We conclude that the speech act of threat is a synthetic speech-act structure, whose core element is directive and whose auxiliary element commissive.
1. Апресян В. Ю. Компьютерная лингвистика и интеллектуальные технологии. М., 2003. С. 32—35
2. Вендлер 3. Иллокутивное ...
On the illocutionary “responsibility” of the author in a dramatic paratext
This article deals with the heterogeneity of author's illocutionary intentions in the process of creating a dramatic paratext. It is suggested that the pragmatic orientation of typologically different paratextual structures can be purely directive (prescriptive) as well as narrative, which emphasizes the transgenre character of paratext. The article addresses the specific features of implementation of the extradiegetic author category in drama on a paratextual level, as well as its role ...