Digital didactic games as a means of remote support for schoolchildren
... for educational activities of both gifted students and schoolchildren with disabilities is of high relevance, since it helps to meet special educational needs and resolve difficulties in educational activities. The article presents an overview of some didactic games available for teachers and students on the platforms and services of the Internet and the relevant methodology, as well as a descriptive algorithm for self-development of such games for teachers. The goals, features and advantages of digital ...
The development of inclusive preparedness of future teachers: The efficiency of the didactic model
This article presents the results of an experimental study in the development of inclusive preparedness of future university teachers. This process of preparedness development is based on a didactic model implemented using the pedagogical metasubject competence and context-based technology. The author gives an overview of this technology and the mechanisms of its imple-mentation. The efficiency of using this didactic model in developing ...
Application of the mathematical modelling and simulation methods to the study of didactic systems
Didactic systems relate to poorly structured and poorly formalizable objects that function under conditions of uncertainty and lack of information about the state of the student, the teaching methods used, etc. The article considers the application ...
The teacher’s readiness to work with a ‘special’ child: the model of development of inclusive education values
his article presents a didactic model of development of inclusive education values in future teachers as an element of the behavioural component of psychological and pedagogical readiness for working with children with special education needs in the conditions of inclusive ...
The correction of university students’ knowledge as a subject of pedagogical studies
... objectives, orientation, structure, functions and results within the training process. Тhe article considers the system of knowledge correction methods, including personalized knowledge correction tests. The authors focus on the interrelation between didactic control and knowledge correction and identify the principles of organizing knowledge correction at a university.
1. Артищева Е. К., Брызгалова С. И. Педагогическая диагностика в вузе в аспекте ...
Poor academic performance at university from the perspective of graduates
This article considers approaches to research on poor academic performance at higher educational institutions as a didactic phenomenon. The authors address the need to prevent poor academic performance and structure the training process so that the potential of each student is fully developed. The article analyses the data of surveys of radio engineering graduates ...
The creative aspect in the system of creative linguistics
... article is dedicated to the linguistic-didactic potential of the methodologies of creative orientation in foreign language learning aimed at the formation of a creative personality, capable of continuous self-education. The author considers creative didactic methods and techniques.
Алейников А.
. О креативной педагогике // Вестник высшей школы. 1989. №
12. С. 29—34.
Арутюнов А.Р.
и др. Игровые задания ...
The acmeological approach as a vector of improving professional music teacher training
This article deals with the implementation of acmeological approach in the improvement of music teacher professional training from the didactic perspective. The author justifies the logic and acmeological orientation of its stages determined by addressing the methodology of creative work, which serves as the basis for the development and implementation of the technological aspect of ...
Simulation technique in the mathematical theory of learning
Further development of theoretical pedagogy and the theory of learning is closely connected to the use of mathematical and digital techniques in learning process simulations. This article explores formal methods for studying a didactic system as well as difficulties in employing them. The author describes key stages of simulation development and presents a simulation of unrelated study material elements (using letters of the alphabet as an example). The charts show temporal ...
Metaphor in teaching Polish as a foreign language
... jako obcego. Kraków, 2005.
System Kształcenia Językowego: uczenie się, nauczanie, ocenianie. Warszawa, 2003.
Lipińska E., Dąbska E.
. Kiedyś wrócisz tu...
Kraków, 2003—2005. Cz. 1
Makarova P. F.
didactics, metaphor, Polish language, communication