Image of Christ in Boris Poplavsky’s book of verses “Snowy hour”
... hour”. Biblical allusions, lyrical plot of poems, composition and an image of lyrical subject are considered. Researched levels of literary text are studied with connection with the image of Christ, whose personality has important place in religious diaries of the poet. This diaries becomes the foundation of the lyrical book and in them theological conception of “Snowy hour” is justified. Contents of the article is presented of analyze and disclosure of main topics , whose are announced in ego-documents ...
Documents of personal origin of Russian jurors of the 1860s — 1890s as a historical source
The article studies the private documents of jurors of the Russian Empire such as diaries and memoirs and analyses them as a complex of historical sources containing unique information about the course of the trial and the work of the jury. The pool of documents included two diaries and eight memoirs. The author evaluated the authorship,...