The methodological aspects of studying suicide as a phenomenon
... phenomenon. The author examines the social grounds for suicide in the concepts of E. Durkheim, R. Merton, A. Schopenhauer, and E. Fromm and described the methodological principles of studying suicide as a social practice in the sociological discourse of deviant behavior.
1. Кант И. Метафизика нравов в двух частях // И. Кант. Соч. : в 6 т. М.,1965. Т. 4, ч. 2. С. 107—438.
2. Кант И. Основы метафизики нравственности // Там ...
Forensic aspects of cyberbullying as a form of destructive behavior on the Internet
... conditioned by: materials of the criminal case; circumstances prevailing at the time of the decision to implement preventive measures; peculiarities of the personality of the juvenile and other factors.
Bogomolova A.G., Kot E.A.
cyberbullying, bullying, deviant behavior, Internet, minor, forensic prevention, cyberspace, online disinhibition effect