On the heat reactor of desert soils and its roel in the formation of water reserves during summer
Experimental research helps explain the mechanism of formation of water reserves in the soils of desert phytocenoses. The author arrives at a conclusion about the development of seasonal heat reactor in deserts, which affects the processes of night water condensation in soils in summer.
1. Бобровская Н. И. Водный режим деревьев ...
About a role of vegetation of deserts of Central Asia in climate change
... underlying surfaces (rubble-rock on hamadas, sand on the beds of temporary streams, plants) in the southern steppes of Mongolia. The authors present a comparative analysis of soil and plant temperature and address the issue of the impact of overgrowing of desert areas on climate change on Earth.
1. Дедков В. П. Экологическая ниша и водный баланс доминантов пустынных фитоценозов. Л., 1989.
2. Нурбердыев М. Радиационный ...
Desertion as a Social Phenomenon of Late European Modernity, 1871-1918
The paper analyzes the influence of modernization on social processes of different European states. On the example of desertion of the Central Power’s soldiers to Russia one comes to conclusion that changes in the manning system of European armies during the 19th century were one of the most important components of traditional society’s transformation and a vital ...