The mythical thinking of B. Pasternak in the cycle Romanovka
This article considers the features of the manifestation of B. Pasternak’s mythologism in his early cycle “Romanovka” (included in the book My Sister, Life). The author emphasises the Christian nature of the poet’s interpretation of the war and revolution period of 1917. Special attention is paid to the means of the implementation of the author’s ...
Regional innovation security as a coherence of multi-cyclic self-organizing: experience in building an ideal model
... as the mechanisms to strengthen the cyclical dynamics of regional reproduction and achieve the stronger resistance to external fluctuations.
Within the model construction the research also proposes the hypothesis about the transfer of the Kitchin cycles’ dynamics from the innovation and technological sphere, respectively, to other subsystems of regional reproduction. Thus, regular crises are explained by a periodic violation of the coherence between subcycles of shorter length (taking into ...
The biology and life cycle of mysids in the Kaliningrad maritime canal
The article considered the reproductive biology and life cycle of mysids inhabiting the Kaliningrad maritime canal. The author offers a comparative analysis of seasonal changes in gamic structure, the accretion and fertility of mysids.
Алимов А.
Богуцкая И.
Биологические ...
Cognitive training as a method of developing cognitive functions in young athletes
... high performance in sports. Cognitive training is one of the ways to develop cognitive functions. The study shows a positive influence of the method proposed on the state of cognitive functions in young athletes in the recovery period of the training cycle. The results obtained can significantly improve the effectiveness of relaxation exercises in young athletes.
1. Величковский Б. Б. Возможности когнитивной тренировки как метода коррекции ...
Biblical motifs in B. Pasternak’s cycle Isn’t it Time for Birds to Sing as a structure forming principle
... раннего Пастернака // Серебряный век: Философско-эстетические и художественные искания.
Кемерово, 1996. С. 104—118.
Maltseva O.
Boris Pasternak, biblical motif, plot, cycle
The key problems and dimensions of financial policy for small businesses
This article reveals the key problems in the activity of small enterprises in Russia in view of the stage of enterprise’s life cycle of and its industry features. The author identifies the areas of formation and implementation of financial policies in small business.
1. О развитии малого и среднего предпринимательства в Российской ...
CHPP related anthropogenic impact zones
This article offers a concept of an integral CHPP related anthropogenic impact zone (AIZ), representing a complex of industrial units, organizations and communications, which support the life cycle of a CHPP. The author conducted an analysis of the basic features of an integral CHPP AIZ and its elements. This concept may have a certain theoretical significance in solving optimizing environmental problems at the level of individual territories ...
J. Andrzejewski and T. Borowski: The typology of hope
This article examines two short story cycles — J. Andrzejewski’s Night and Tadeusz Borowski’s This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen — and reconstruct the authors’ literary and philosophical dialogue about the paradoxes of hope in the conditions of Hitler’s occupation of Poland....