Cultivation of Chlorella sp. microalgae isolates with biomass productivity assessment
... the fertilizer “Fertika Universal” as a nutrient medium significantly increased the optical density of the initial solution to 0.087, more than doubling the results compared to other conventional media and proving advantageous for industrial-scale cultivation. The study recommends using a reduced initial cell concentration of Chlorella sp. B1 in the inoculum, followed by cultivation at 32 °С with enhanced illumination (52 W) and the addition of 0.9 g/L of carbon dioxide for three days in a 500 ...
Peculiarities of obtaining fodder amino acids when culturing Corynebacterium on soybean melasse
Currently, soybeans and soybean derivatives are widely used for food and animal feed. A significant content of carbohydrates in soy molasses makes it possible to use it as a component of a nutrient medium for cultivating microorganisms that produce feed amino acids. The aim of this work was to study the process of biosynthesis of feed amino acids on a soy molasses medium using bacterial strains of the genus Corynebacterium glutamicum. The following research ...