Similarities and differences in curricula of a bachelor’s degree in oceanology at the universities in St Petersburg, Klaipeda, and Kaliningrad
... universities in St Petersburg, Klaipeda and Kaliningrad, the authors trace similarities between the existing variants of oceanologist training in the context of competence modules, disciplines, the so-called academic practices, and the number of hours and credits stipulated in the existing curricula. A formal comparison of generalised quantitative indicators without analysing the content of curriculum components demonstrated certain similarities in all indicators in terms of workload, the number of disciplines ...
Medium-term models of SMEs development in modern Russia
... Index // Официальный сайт Всемирного банка. 2017. URL:
(дата обращения: 21.11.2017).
Nacharkin V. V.
small and medium-sized business, medium-term model forecast, investments, credits and loans, income of the population