On the correspondence between Wislawa Szymborska and Kornel Cornelius Filipowicz
The correspondence between Wislava Szimborska and Cornelius Philipovich entitled “Your cat has the best of lives” and published in 2016 can be seen as a biographical account and historical evidence of two writers, a record of life of artistic people in ...
Anna Dostoyevskaya: letters to her husband
... F. M. Dostoyevsky written in the 1870s. The analysis covers both earlier published text and the manuscript heritage of the Dostoevsky family. The author focuses on the stylistic features of A. G. Dostoyevskaya’s letters and the thematic trends of correspondence and emphasises the role of epistolary experience in the development of the style of A. G. Dostoyevskaya’s memoirs.
1. Белов С. В., Туниманов В. А. Переписка Достоевского с женой // Достоевский ...