The open method of coordination as a new form of governance: features, characteristics, prospects of application
This article is dedicated to the new form of governance — the open method of coordination — in the EU system of governance. This method is considered in the framework of the ‘new governance’ approach as opposed to the Community Method. The author justifies new modes of governance, offers their key characteristics and outlines ...
The muscle activity biofeedback in the training of Greco-Roman wrestlers
One of the new methods to improve muscle coordination is the muscle activity biofeedback, which is based on the principles of biological feedback and implemented by means of modern computer equipment. The muscle activity biofeedback prevents muscle overexertion and improves muscle coordination,...
Historical and linguistic analysis of the Kaliningrad regional oronimics
... different land forms. The renaming was carried out after the former East Prussia had become part of the Soviet Union. The article has a special focus on describing minor errors, comparison of the original oronyms with the new ones, and eliciting the ways of coordination between them.
1. Петешова О. В. Способы согласования топонимов при переименовании (на материале топонимической системы Калининградской ...
The psychological potential of beach volley-ball players depending on their sport qualification
... Смоленск, 2006. С. 178.
4. Хёмберг С., Папагеоргиу А. Пляжный волейбол: руководство. М., 2004. С. 325.
Fetisova S., Fokin A., Melnikova T.
beach volleyball; competitive activity; volleyball; visual-motor coordination; temperament; identity of athlete; conflict; rivalry; intellect; thinking; diagnostics