The methodological and mathematical implementation of the integrated controlling theory
This article is devoted to the innovative concept of managing modern industrial enterprises as economic systems, namely, integrated controlling. The author presents a methodological framework for the implementation of the integrated controlling theory. Possible uses of the mathematical apparatus in studying integrated controlling are shown. Static and dynamic characteristics of integrated ...
Antecedents to the idea of constitutional control in the French legal thought of the Enlightenment
In this article, I consider the institution of constitutional control and its development during the Enlightenment. I stress that enlighteners thoroughly disapproved of French parliaments as forerunners of modern bodies of constitutional justice and explain why this was the case. In an early modern state, conditions ...
Legal regulation of public control in the Russian Federation
This article considers the public control institution at the federal level and that of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Based on an analysis of the current legal regulation of public control in different constituent entities, the authors formulate recommendations for ...
The externalisation of migration control in the European Union: first steps towards the external dimension of the space of freedom, security and justice
... Upravlencheskoe konsul'tirovanie [Management consulting], no. 3, p. 46—50.
2. Bigo, D. 1996, Polices en réseaux. L’expérience européenne. Paris, Presses de Sciences Po.
3. Lavenex, S. 2006, Shifting up and out: the foreign policy of European immigration control, West European Politics, vol. 29, no. 2, p. 329—350.
4. Guild, E., Bigo, D. 2003, Le visa Schengen: expression d’une stratégie de «police» à distance, Cultures & Conflits, no. 49, p. 22—37.
5. Icard, P. 2003, Immigration, mondialisation: ...
Fairy tales as a psychotherapeutic method to develop resilience in students with special needs
... tacking questions. These techniques help to develop stable psychological attitudes in students with special needs. When used in psychotherapy, fairy tales affect the psychophysical condition of such students and contribute to resilience, i. e. greater control of one’s actions and more conscious attitude to risks and challenges.
1. Вачков В. И. Сказкотерапия: развитие самосознания через психологическую сказку. М., 2001.
2. Дзенская ...
The correction of university students’ knowledge as a subject of pedagogical studies
... orientation, structure, functions and results within the training process. Тhe article considers the system of knowledge correction methods, including personalized knowledge correction tests. The authors focus on the interrelation between didactic control and knowledge correction and identify the principles of organizing knowledge correction at a university.
1. Артищева Е. К., Брызгалова С. И. Педагогическая диагностика в вузе в аспекте ...
The monitoring of university education quality in the context of competence model of training
This article considers the main aspects of organizing and conducting monitoring of education quality at universities. The author pays attention to
the features of applying competence approach in controlling the quality of education.
1. Фадеева О. А. Диагностика в вузе. Н. Новгород, 1998.
2. Латыпова X. Ш. Балльно-рейтинговая система как фактор повышения конкурентоспособности ...
Possible applications of the resources of the Mathematica programming environment to solving mathematical problems
This article describes possible applications of the resources of the Mathematica programming environment (version in teaching mathematics as a means of the automatic control of initial data input, input data generator, and a means to improve the visibility of mathematical problem solving. The author offers examples of Mathematica codes for each case and identifies the sequence of stages of displaying the whole solution ...
Crime situation as an object of criminal law and criminological impact
... funds and tools) or reduce the benefits from the criminal act (identification marks, increased surveillance). Considering a number of drawbacks in the crime-mitigation practice, in particular, ignoring the causes of criminal behavior and totalizing control, the continuous assessment of such measures is seen as an effective solution.
1. Антонян Ю. М. Концепция причин преступности // Научный портал МВД России. 2014. № 4 (28). С. 31—37....
The economic aspects of quality of information management systems: the case of Russia
This paper offers a scientific analysis of Russian practices of assessing the quality information control systems (economic aspect) over the last thirty years. The author described the methodological approach to the assessment of the quality of information services for the agro-industrial complex.
1. Лукьянова Н. Ю. О возможности ...
The functional approach to managing regional foreign economic activity
... transformation of functional approach when characterizing the multi-level system of functioning and
managing of foreign economic activity (FEA). The author describes the adjustment of traditional management functions (planning, organization, motivation and control) to current trends of FEA development through the example of the Kaliningrad region.
сайт Правительства Калининградской области.