An employment contract with a remote employee
This article discusses certain conditions of an employment contract with a remote employee. The author’s perspective on the age of a remote employee is presented. The article addresses the issue of introducing obligatory conditions of an employment contract – the employee’s function, working schedule, and ...
Some problems of the procedure of recognising a citizen as a person with low income for the purpose of providing accommodation in the framework of a social rent contract
The law of the Kaliningrad region On the Procedure of Recognising a Citizen as a Person with Low Income for the Purpose of Providing Municipal Accommodation in the Framework of a Social Rent Contract serves as a basis for the consideration of issues of introducing a mechanism of assessing the level of a citizen’s income and the value of their property for the purpose of recognising them as persons with low income and providing them with ...
Significance of social contract theories for the development of political philosophy in Russia
Critical objections to applying social contract theories towards Russian social and political reality are being analyzed, categorized and challenged.
Аузан А.
Мы так не договаривались.
Аузан А.
Самодержавие ...
Some problems of the contract regulation of authority delegation
This article examines the problems of the contract regulation of authority delegation, in particular, the drawbacks of the legislative regulation of the contract conclusion procedure, the coming of contracts into force and their implementation.
РФ от 12 декабря ...
Organization of passenger transport: сivil law regulations
... well as contractual obligations of parties ensuring the performance of passenger transportation services within the framework of the civil law. The organization of automobile passenger transportation is described in the subject matter of the service contract. The author concludes that there is a need for further specification of the subject of contracts on the organization of automobile passenger transport.
1. Об организации регулярных перевозок пассажиров ...
The transition to the federal contract system in Russia: the centralisation of procurement and the enhancement of its efficiency
The introduction of the contract system in the field of procurement in the Russian Federation entails significant changes in the established practices. The scope of legal relations governed by the rules of regulation of public and municipal procurement is increasing. The expansion ...
The problems of legal regulation of relations pertaining to satisfying state requirements in the light of new legislation
This article analyzes the provisions of the recently adopted federal law on the contract system and identifies its shortcomings. The author stresses that new rules are not capable of solving the problem of legal regulation aimed to satisfy state requirements and will create additional complications in the use of terminology, application ...
The requirements for concluding administrative contracts developed in Russian legal science
This paper attempts to summarise the established in Russian legal science conceptions of legal regulation of contract forms of public administration implementation and offers a model of legal regulation of preparation and conclusion of administrative contracts.
Российской Федерации от 30 ноября ...
Classification of subjects of legal relations on the Internt
... research, subsequently worked out a classification of subjects based on functional division and drew attention to several problematic issues related to the activities of some subjects.
Georgiev I.V.
subjects of law, Internet, legal relationship, contract, user
Joint accounts
... сайта Сбербанка РФ. URL:
(дата обращения: 16.06.2016).
Erokhina M., Primak T., Shpak Yu.
bank account, bank deposit, joint accounts, account rules, terms and conditions of bank contracts
The dispositive principle as a basis for economic relations development
... Прохорко Т. Н. Диспозитивность как принцип российского гражданского права : дис. … канд. юр. наук. Пермь, 2010.
Primak T., Zaytsev O.
sources of law, dispositive principle, contract, law, civil law
The sole executive body of a commercial organisation as an employee: Some problems of authority delegation
... жалобами ряда граждан [Электронный ресурс]. Доступ из справ.-правовой системы «Консультант Плюс».
Kazakova G.
exclusive executive body, executive officer, employment contract, termination of powers
The practical problems of bank card usage
Банковские карты: проблемы правового регулирования // Юридическая работа в кредитной организации. 2010. №
Yerokhina M. G.
bank cards, payment system, bank account contract, banking liability, bank service security
Daphnia magna Straus (1826) (Cladocera, Crustacea) as a test object for assessing endocrine disorders in aquatic organisms
... головоногих моллюсков // Уч. записки Казанского ун-та. 2007. Т. 9, № 3. С. 214—224.
Kudikina N.
crustaceans, Daphnia as a test object, prednisolone, endocrine disorders, somatic growth, rate of cardiac contractions, fecundity, reproductive rate