Soviet-Polish cooperation in the mid-1970s — early 1980s: ideological contacts and the ideology of contacts (regional aspects)
... положении. URL: (дата обращения: 25.07.2012).
8. ГАНИКО. Ф. 1. Оп. 79. № 225.
Krivosheev V. V.
regional level of international relations; Soviet-Polish cooperation; ideological aspects of contacts.
Language interaction in trilingualism
... interaction in the mind of a multilingual individual, based on the example of Myanmar students, trained at the university. The forms of interlanguage connections, established in the process of interaction of languages are examined. The forms of language contacts are described. The language situation in Myanmar (Burma) is also described.
Ахметзянова Ф.
Интерференция родного и русского языков при контакте с немецким в условиях ...
Mapping Poetic Bilingualism in Europe: Language Contacts and Cultural Transfers
... Cross-Cultural Transfer. Belgrade.
27. Zumthor, P., 1960. Un problème d'esthétique médiévale: l'utilisation poétique du bilinguisme. Le Moyen Age, 15—16, p. 301—336.
multilingualism, bilingualism, poetry, Europe, cultural transfer, language contacts
Feshchenko V.
10.5922/2225-5346- 2017-4-2