Institution of Constitutional Complaint in the Russian Federation: Some Questions of Legal Regulation
Constitutional complaint is an efficient instrument of constitutional right protection in Russia. The judicial body dealing with such complaints is
the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. However, certain problems arise due to the legislative ...
On distinguishing the measures of constitutional responsibility and other measures of constitutional enforcement imposed upon the executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and their officials
This article examines the measures of constitutional responsibility and other measures of constitutional enforcement. The author puts forward several proposals regarding the classification of constitutional enforcement measures imposed on the executive authorities of the constituent entities ...
Kant and the Constitution of Russian Federation
This article is an attempt to give I. Kant “credit” for the Constitution of Russian Federation. Of course, the articles of Constitution require significant improvement so that they adhere to the letter and the spirit of Kant’s ideas on state and law. The article stresses the need to take into account two provisions ...
Antecedents to the idea of constitutional control in the French legal thought of the Enlightenment
In this article, I consider the institution of constitutional control and its development during the Enlightenment. I stress that enlighteners thoroughly disapproved of French parliaments as forerunners of modern bodies of constitutional justice and explain why this was the case. In an early modern ...
The role of constitutional courts in the mechanism of public authority responsibility in Russian regions
This article focuses on the powers of regional constitutional courts relating to the legal responsibility of regional officials and public authorities in the Russian Federation. The author analyses possible participation of constitutional courts in providing a mechanism for legal responsibility of ...
On the principles of the constitutional status of a people
This article deals with the types and content of principles of constitutional status of the people of the Russian Federation. Among other principles, the author distinguishes the principle of legality, the principle of harmonious combination of personal and public interests, the principle of priority of national ...
Moral inscrutability and self-constitution in Kant (translated from the English by V. Belonogova and D. Khizanishvili, edited by V. Chaly)
This article analyses the system of inferences used by Kant in Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason to demonstrate the existence of evil disposition (Gesinnung). The author be¬lieves that, in this work, Kant introduces two innovations in respect of the fundamental project presented in the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. He emphasises that freedom is not justified and postulates a transcendental structure similar to the unity of transcendental apperception in order to unify all volitions...
Klochkov V. V. The tory conservative party and the “constitutional revolution” of 1832—1835 in Great Britain. Monograph. Rostov-on the Don ; Taganrog : Southern federal university publishing house, 2017. 481 p.
The review analyzes the academic monograph which examines a wide range of issues in constitutional and political history of Britain in the years 1832—1835. The reviewed book is characterized by the conceptual innovation, a sound historiographical background, thoroughness and a variety of theoretical and methodological features.
Sources of discretionary powers of judges in Russian law
... analysis, the author identifies and classifies legal rules granting judges discretionary powers and defines the role of such rules in the administration of law by judges. The discretionary power of judges is considered in terms of compliance with the constitutional rights of citizens.
1. Абушенко Д. Б. Судебное усмотрение в гражданском и арбитражном процессе. М., 2002.
2. Алексеев С. С. Право: азбука — теория ...
Isaac René Guy Le Chapelier and the Flight to Varennes: sum-mer — autumn, 1791
... Varennes crisis on the balance of political forces in the National Constituent Assembly and Le Chapelier’s and other constitutionalists’ opposition to the radicals in the Assembly and in the streets in order to strengthen the position of the king and constitutional mon¬archy.
1. Блуменау С. Ф. «Ненасильственный» вариант развития французской революции // Вестник Брянского государственного университета....
Mass media and technologies of influence on the electoral behavior of citizens
... use of state media to secure public support for government policies remains relevant for Russia. The article analyzes the activities of the online version of the state publication Rossiyskaya Gazeta in covering the topic of voting on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, with the aim of identifying the main techniques used to influence citizens’ electoral behavior. The empirical basis of the study, conducted using content analysis, consists of 471 materials related to the topic ...