Professional conflict as an object of pedagogical research
This article deals with the phenomenon of a professional conflict, offering a classification of professional conflicts and justifying the lines of pedagogical activity aimed at the preparation of a professional for managing professional conflicts.
Анцупов А.
Я., Шипилов А.
Конфликтология: ...
Anthropological ideas of Immanuel Kant and the problem of interreligious conflicts in the modern society
... Kant's anthropological ideas, his interpretation of affections and passions of human soul. It is claimed that everything that is inconsistent with reason, including passions and affections, should play a secondary, subordinate role in religion. Religious conflicts should be resolved through an appeal to universal moral values and the decrease in the pressure of religion ideology components that are not directly related to morality.
Кант И.
Антропология с прагматической ...
The international legal regulation of the status of voluntary human shields
The analysis of existing rule of International humanitarian law governing the cases of use of human shields by the parties of armed conflict justifies the conclusion that these persons are a sui generis case and should be regarded as an exception to a number of general rules. As a result, they should not be classified as taking a direct part in hostilities and must be treated according ...
The principle of mutual recognition of court orders within legal cooperation on criminal cases in the European Union
2010/0817 (COD).
(дата обращения: 26.09.2011).
Framework Decision 2009/948/JHA of 30 November 2009 on prevention and settlement of conflicts of exercise of jurisdiction in criminal proceedings //
Official Journal.
L 328. 15./12./2009. P. 42—47.
Voinikov V. V.
European Arrest Warrant and European Evidence Warrant, European Union, cooperation on criminal cases, mutual recognition ...