The pedagogical conditions of self-care socialisation in primary school students
This article discusses the pedagogical conditions of self-care socialization in primary school children. The authors focus on the essence of these conditions and the need to ensure them in the process of socialization of primary school students.
1. Большой психологический ...
The geoecological conditions of apiculture product manufacturing in the Kaliningrad region
This article focuses on the problem of agrarian land use transformation in the Kaliningrad region in 1960-2011. The author offers and assessment of the geoecological conditions of administrative units, as well as an index of favourable apiculture development conditions.
1. Гаева Д. В. Пасеки как природно-технические системы и возможности их развития ...
The factors and pedagogical conditions for the development of general cultural competences of cadets in the current educational process at a military university
... university in view of its contribution to the general cultural development of cadets. The author attempts to analyse the factors facilitating and inhibiting the development of general cultural competences in cadets, as well as to identify the pedagogical conditions for the development of cadet’s general cultural competences in the current educational process of a military university based on a comprehensive analysis of these factors. To this end, structural and functional connections between the general ...
The regional aspect of developing educational and research culture
This article considers the regional aspect of educational and research culture development and the possibility of its formation under certain pedagogical conditions. The development of educational and research culture is planned in view of certain features of the Kaliningrad region through introduction of research problems and development of students’ critical thinking. The authors used a number of pedagogical ...
A pool of water soluble antioxidants in some plants of the Kaliningrad region
This article focuses on a pool of water-soluble antioxidants in certain plants of the true grasses (Gramíneae) and legume (Fabaceae) families in the Kaliningrad region in connection with the environmental conditions of their habitat, namely, the varying distance to the Sea coast. It is shown that the level of water-soluble antioxidants was higher in the vegetative parts in the true grasses and the generative parts in the legumes with the exception of the ...