The technology of students’ knowledge correction on the basis of pedagogical diagnostics
... студентів технічних спеціальностей у процесі навчання вищої математики : дис. … канд. пед. наук. Черкаси, 2006.
Artishcheva E.
students’ knowledge correction, structural model, conceptual model, technology, pedagogical diagnostics
Conceptual modelling of the process of polysemy solution using the corps
... representation. The use of corpora opens up new possibilities for investigating the mechanisms of the formation of the cognitive structure of a polysemous word, as well as facilitates the identification of individual senses. The author proposes a probabilistic conceptual model (algorithm) of cognitive operations underlying the process of word sense disambiguation.
1. Захаров В. П. Корпусная лингвистика. СПб., 2006.
2. Заботкина В. И., Боярская Е. Л. Роль когнитивного ...