Building a model of terminological fields on an example of the “Pelvis injuries” terminological field
... three graphs in one, the model of the “Pelvis injuries” terminological field is built. Representing the field in such a way allows it to create its computer model for further evaluation of students’ professional knowledge.
Zhuravlyov А.P.
componential analysis, differential seme, thesaurus modelling, meronymy, synonymy, hyponym, hyperonym
The linguistic-pragmatic features of the realization of speech acts of threat in the political discourses of Germany and Spain
... and tomorrow. 2018. Vol. III, № 2. P. 204—250.
19. Safwat S. Speech acts in political speeches // Journal of Modern Education Review. 2015. Vol. 5, № 7. P. 699—706.
Bagdasarov S. A., Lenets A. V.
threat, speech act, political discourse, componential analysis, linguistic pragmatics