On the methodological approaches to the assessment of competitiveness of small enterprises
The study of existing methodological approaches identified their weaknesses as to insufficient consideration of factors and their influence. The author offers a methodological approach to the assessment of competitiveness of small enterprises (SE) on the basis of the assessment of affecting factors. The integral index makes it possible to identify the competitiveness of a particular small enterprise. The approach suggested can be used as a basic element ...
Competitiveness of the Economies of Border Regions
The article is dedicated to the problem of competitiveness of border regions as subjects of the Russian Federation having specific characteristics. The authors focus on the stages, during which border regions build their competitiveness, as well as analyse certain indices characterizing it. They ...
The methodology of assessing the strategic competitiveness of municipalities: an integral approach (the case of the Kaliningrad region)
The authors present a methodology for assessing the competitiveness of municipalities on the basis of an integrated approach. The validity of the method of integrated assessment of the competitiveness of municipalities is demonstrated in the case of the Kaliningrad region. The authors use a complex of ...
An assessment of the influence of economic crisis on the development of regions on the basis of integral current competitiveness index
This article is the first to suggest performing diagnostics and analysis of the influence of crisis phenomena on socioeconomic development of regionswith the help of an approach based on quantitative assessment of the current competitiveness of the region. The author offers calculations of integral development indices for three regions of three different federal districts of the Russian Federation for 2007-2010, as well as an analysis of the degree, to which regional economies ...
The organisational model of assessing the influence of vocational education on the competitiveness of small enterprises in the region
This article emphasises the importance and focuses on the content of the organisational-logical model of the assessment of the influence of vocational training on the competitiveness of small enterprises in the region. By means of the target programme method and on the basis of integral expert reviews, the author built a model of the increase in regional vocational training influence on the development and competitiveness ...
The innovative process in the Baltic Sea region
In order to maintain its global competitiveness in the future, the Baltic Sea region (BSR) needs to preserve and improve its technological capability and innovativeness. This article focuses on innovations in the Baltic Sea region, particularly on external innovation drivers and innovation ...
The psychological potential of beach volley-ball players depending on their sport qualification
This article presents the results of a study into the psychophysiological characteristics of beach volleyball players – a recently introduced Olympic sport. Current research and methodological literature focuses primarily on competitive activities, training, and physical competences. The authors de-scribe the psychological status of a beach volleyball player and present psy-chomotor indicators that can be used as benchmark characteristics in selecting and diagnosing players....
The competitiveness of the Irkutsk region in the world tourism market
... positive impact on the national and regional economies of recipient countries thus it is necessary to develop this sector in the countries and regions that have a potential to attract foreign tourists. The purpose of this article is to estimate the competitiveness of the Irkutsk region on the world tourism market based on an analysis of various factors. In particular, the authors examine the impact of natural, geographical, and climatic factors and the region’s cultural and historical potential....
Сompetitive environment, business activity, and consumer sentiment: the regional aspect
The methodological issues of assessing regional competition, business activity, and consumer confidence are considered as part of a study of regional competitive environment. The results of an analysis of national and international practices in assessing parameters describing competition, competitive ...
The problem of demand for university graduates and ways to overcome it
This article focuses on the issues of employment of university graduates. The author considers the factors of competitiveness of young specialists, as well as corresponding requirements. The article offers measures to minimize unemployment risks.
Никитина Н.
Ш., Щеглов П.
Качество высшего образования....
Formation and Development of Furniture Manufacturing in the Kaliningrad Region
... рейтинговое агентство. URL:
(дата обращения: 13.02.2016).
Barinov Alexander, Drok Tatiana
furniture production, stages of development, competitive advantage, Kaliningrad region
On Sources and Mechanisms of Coastal Area Self-development
... internal catalyst of regional economic development is entrepreneurship functioning on the basis of genetic-cultural determination. The author comes to the conclusion that an efficient regional economic policy aimed at the increase in the region’s competitiveness should rest, first of all, on the development of intellectual capital and the corresponding human capital, the revival and strengthening of the economic role of technocracy and small innovative enterprises.
Гогоберидзе ...
The dynamic capabilities concept and the analysis of strategic potential of learning organisation
This article analyses the methodological framework of research on strategic potential of organizations in dynamic global environment. The author examines the factors responsible for sustainable competitive advantages of an organization and considers the role of intangible assets, predominantly, such unique assets as organizational and administrative skills, in the structure of potential. The article describes the features of formation of potential ...