Translation: the puzzle of colour
This research contributes to the study of colour terms as a cognitive phenomenon. Since colour is not a universal concept and an ordinary mind does not perceive colour separately from the object, it is possible to observe the knowledge about colour, which exists in the language but does not exist ...
Сolour terms in the Russian short stories of the early XX and XXI centuries: a corpus study
The paper presents a comparative analysis of colour terms frequencies in the Russian short stories of the early 20th and 21st centuries. The study draws on the Russian Short Stories Corpus 1900—1930, word frequency lists compiled from the stories by particular authors (Ivan Bunin, Alexander Kuprin,...
Colour symbolism in the Russian and English languages
The article focuses on the symbolism of colour terms in European languages. The authors explore and analyze similarities and differences in the use of particular colours as symbols in fixed colour collocations in Russian and English. This analysis helps to establish common microsystems of symbolic ...
Cognitive aspect of value meaning in colour idioms
..., form and meaning. URL: (дата обращения: 11.10.2011).
Bolotina M. A., Shabasheva E. A.
cognitive linguistics, axiological linguistics, value meaning, phraseology, colour terms.