Teaching colloquial Russian as a foreign language
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colloquial language, Russian as a foreign language, teaching aid, oralisation of public communication
Sładkiewicz Ż.
The development of everyday language in the German-speaking countries in the framework of the sociolinguistic concept of language evolution
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12. Sornig K. Umgangssprache: Zwischen Standardnorm und Intim-Variante //International Journal of the Sociology of Language. 1990. Bd. 93. S. 83—103.
Kopchuk L.
language evolution, trends, language antinomy, everyday spoken discourse, colloquial language, standard language, dialects.
Substandard as the basis of author's idiolect in the Russian prose of the 21st century
... сегодня. Активные языковые процессы конца ХХ века: сб. ст. / под ред. Л.
П. Крысина. М., 2003. С. 271—279.
Kudinova T. A.
idiolect, substandard, jargon, slang, dialecticisms, colloquial language