Unlocking the potential of the educational process at university colleges for cultivating a culture of life safety
This article presents research findings on the potential of the educational process at a University college. It analyses the concepts of ‘potential’, ‘society’, and ‘potential of the educational process’. A model of educational potential is proposed and the requirements of the federal state standard for general and professional competencies ...
Motivating students of secondary vocational educational institutions in the field of services to participate in sport
... significance of physical education for the development of psychophysical pre-paredness of a medium-level specialists in the field of services. Analysis of sci-entific literature and a survey of students were used to study the current situation at the College of Entrepreneurship in the Kaliningrad region.
1. Бережнова З. З., Греб А. В., Красулина Н. А., Константинов А. Г. Аспекты от-ношения студентов вузов к занятиям ...