The integration of the motion and cognitive activities of preschool children
This article emphasises the need to integrate preschool students' physical and cognitive activities as a cohesive system of knowledge, actions and cognitive approaches, learning targets, and the means and methods of teaching.
Григорьев В.
Характеристика модульной интегрированной ...
Non-standard problems in competence-based mathematics teaching
... Формирование познавательной компетентности школьников// Инновационные проекты и программы в образовании. 2015. Т. 4. С. 40—44.
Grigorenko O., Shmigirilova I.
cognitive activity, cognitive competence, nonstandard problems, mathematical education, competence approach
The University lecture as a holistic entity
The article characterizes the function of a lecture as an important form of current university education, reveals its capacities to intensify students' cognitive activity. A certain focus is made on interactive technologies which promotes the response relations with the audience. The author concludes that the efficiency of the lecture will increase if it is built on the principle of integrity, when the content,...