The results of the weekly monitoring of the Vistula Bay coast in the area of Pribrezhny village in 2011-2012
... steady profile measurements of the beach width, photographing, coast description, the calculation of changes in the relative level of the Vistula Lagoon, and the analysis of the wind regime over the observation period made it possible to reveal the coast dynamics, assess the stability of the beach and coastal slope condition, as well as the influence of the
main regime-forming factor — the wind.
1. Бобыкина В. П., Болдырев В. Л. Методика мониторинга берегов ...
Shore ground monitoring methodology
... der Physik-ökonom. Ges. zu Königsberg. Leipzig ; Berlin, 1914.
25. Zaddach E. Das Tertiargebirge Samlands // Schr. der Physik-ökonom. Ges. zu Königsberg. Jg. VIII. 1867.
Bobykina V. P.
ground shore monitoring, geomorphological research methods, coast dynamics, coastal processes, Kaliningrad region