Equivocality in Delineating the Borders of a Cluster: The Baltic’s Case
... Regional and industry-specific policies should consider the differences between the cluster’s geographical and non-geographical boundaries.
Mikhaylov A. S., Mikhaylova A. A.
cluster policy, territorial cluster, cluster initiative, cross-border cooperation, territorial cohesion, Baltic States, cluster boundary
Cluster policy as a mechanism to increase regional competitiveness
... Enright M. J. Regional Clusters: What we know and what we should know // Paper prepared for the Kiel Institute International Workshop on Innovation Clusters and Interregional Competition, 2002. P. 18.
8. Sölvell Ö., Lindqvist G., Ketels C. The Cluster Initiative Greenbook. URL: www.cluster-research.org/greenbook.htm
9. Сайт подкомитета ТПП РФ по развитию субконтрактации и кластерных технологий. URL: http://promcluster.ru/index.php/about-zak-cls/48-010-05-12-07-57-03....
When and why regional clusters become basic building blocks of modern economy
... clusters from their nominal counterparts and propose three analytical dimensions to explore clusters, namely, as a special class of industrial agglomerations, as a special class of innovation ecosystems, and as a special class of economic projects (cluster initiatives). We examine the properties of clusters corresponding to each class and demonstrate their role in the geographical and functional fragmentation of production, in the integration of local exporters into global value chains, and in bridging ...