The current state of the climate system of the Kaliningrad region and global warming
In this article, I examine climate change facts relating to study objects of different scales, particularly, the Arctic, which serves as an indicator of global processes taking place across the planet. I track long-term fluctuations in the climatic parameters of the Kaliningrad ...
Climate variability in the dynamics of seasonal development of plants in the South-East Baltic
This article follows the dynamics of the hydrothermal climate indicators in the Kaliningrad region over a 30-year period. The authors examine the variability of plants indicating phonological events in the regions. Changes in the blossom period of such plants in spring 2012 are compared to the data of 1893 ...
An analysis of climate continentality index for Russia's NorthEast
Analysis of climate continentality is a powerful tool for studying and forecasting weather. Considering the continentality index enables determining current climate characteristics and predicting potential changes. This study aims to assess climate change in Russia’s ...
Climate change in the dry steppe zone of the Tuva highland area
Climate changes correspond to a sinusoidal pattern. The climate warming rate is about 0.077 C/year or 2.23 C in 30 years. Solar-terrestrial relationships are described in the article. Hydrothermal coefficient has decreased by 16 %. A decreasing climate ...
Climate change and the dynamics of vector-borne disease rate in the Kaliningrad region
This article considers the morbidity of vector-borne infections in the Kaliningrad region against the background of regional climate change. The author points out the increasing prevalence of Lyme disease in 1995—2008 and emphasises the role of abnormal weather conditions in morbidity changes.
Алексеев А.
Влияние глобального изменения ...
Climate Change Impact on the Curonain Lagoon Eutrophication Level
... and chemical indicators. Water temperature is a key environmental factor that regulates the phytoplankton production and abundance in the Curonian Lagoon. The greater seasonal rise in water temperatures in 1990-2000, presumably, a consequence of the climate change, alongside with other factors (freshness, slow water flow) creates conditions for cyanobacterial «hyperblooms». Probably, the 1990-2000 climate warming is the cause of the eutrophication of the Curonian Lagoon, which continues despite ...
Pollination as an ecosystem service in agricultural nature management
... is conducted according to the productive capacity of plant communities. The 1991—2004 interannual dynamics of providing ecosystem services by the agricultural geosystem was analysed in the case of a model area. The author em-phasizes the impact of climate change on the ecosystem service.
1. Гаева Д. В., Баринова Г. М. Геоэкологические условия производства продукции пчеловодства в Калининградской области ...
The creation of a competitive investment climate in Russia as a basis for modernisation: the legal aspects
This paper addresses a number of pressing problems of the creation of a favorable investment climate in Russia as a major factor of modernization and justifies the need to improve the investment legislation. The investment potential of Russia is ensured through a high level of demand of the producing sector for capital and the existing prerequisites ...
The dynamics of air temperature extrema as an indicator of climate warming in the Central Tuvan basin of the Tyva Republic
Climate warming results in an increase of air temperatures extrema. The dynamics of anomalies in air temperature absolute maxima are described through unusual biquadrate polynomials. The minimum peak was observed in 1989—1992, afterwards a steep increase ...
About a role of vegetation of deserts of Central Asia in climate change
... (rubble-rock on hamadas, sand on the beds of temporary streams, plants) in the southern steppes of Mongolia. The authors present a comparative analysis of soil and plant temperature and address the issue of the impact of overgrowing of desert areas on climate change on Earth.
1. Дедков В. П. Экологическая ниша и водный баланс доминантов пустынных фитоценозов. Л., 1989.
2. Нурбердыев М. Радиационный и тепловой ...
On Integration of Alternative Approaches to the Understanding of the El Niño — La Niña Phenomenon
... the South Eastern Pacific Ocean. The author emphasises the general impact of these conditions on the biological and fishery productivity in the area where the El Niño — La Niña phenomenon represents the most important element of the present-day climate variability.
Астафьева Н.
Вейвлет-анализ: основы теории и примеры применения //
Успехи физических наук. 1996. Т. 166, №
11. С. 1145—1170.
Бендик ...
Theoretical approaches to studying police officers’ breaches of conduct
... psychology for interpreting breach of conduct in a formalized organization in the contemporary socioeconomic and political context. From the standpoint of collective action theory, the article examines the role of individual characteristics of psychological climate as predictors of breaches of conduct.
1. Агадуллина Е. Р. Коллективные действия: предикторы и модели // Социальная психология и общество. 2013. № 3. С. 42—50....
Peculiarities of Transboundary Cooperation between the Kaliningrad Region’s Business Entities
This article reveals various aspects of regional transboundary cooperation including foreign trade, investment climate, and implementation of transboundary infrastructure projects financed by European funds. The analysis conducted is based on the results of transboundary cooperation with the participation of Kaliningrad business entities. The author considers ...
An assessment of the role of green belts in creating comfortable microclimatic conditions in summer
... in reducing the overheating of urban surfaces. We analyse a high-rise residential area in the left-bank part of the city of Voronezh to perform a simulation of microclimatic conditions in summer. The following parameters were used as background climatic conditions: the day of the summer solstice, cloudless and calm weather, air temperature 25° C. We assessed the level of thermal comfort in the current landscaping situation in the residential area, taking into account proposed climate improvement ...
The climate aspect of introducing new North American blueberry taxa in Belarusian Polesia
This article analyses long-term meteorological and climatic data for Bela¬ru¬sian Polesia, namely, the Gantsevichi district of the Brest region. The authors have established significant thermal regime changes towards warming, which makes it possible to forecast the long-term possibility of cultivating ...
Climate change in the mountainous regions of the Republic of Tyva: The case of the Bay-Tayginsk district
... 192—196.
2. Оценочный доклад об изменениях климата и их последствиях на территории Российской Федерации : техническое резюме. М., 2008.
Andreichik M.
climate warming, air temperature, soil surface temperature
Some Biotic Reactions to Climate Change in the Forest Landscape of the Caspian-Baltic Watershed
The article considers some biotic reactions to climatic transformation on the basis of the research conducted in 1980—2006 in the primary ecosystems of southern Taiga on the Central Russian Plain. The change of structure, diversity and productivity of small mammal communities are connected to climatic ...
Global energy and environmental security in the current global economic crisis
/14 (11.11.2009).
Billig V.
The Venezuelan Oil Crisis. How to Secure American Energy // Foreign
Affairs. 2004. Vol. 83
of the leaders the major economies forum on energy and climate. URL
: (дата обращения: 11.11.2009).
Farrell D.
India Outsmarts China Alliance // Foreign Policy. 2006.
The Evolution
of the ...