The role of Jean Chapelain in the development of French literary theory and criticism in the first half of the XVIIth century
... fictional and non-fictional — genres. Through the analysis of specific works by Chapelain, the article traces the nature of the unfolding of his critical-theoretical discourse, reflecting the principle of aesthetic-philosophical thinking of French classicism as a whole.
Simonova L.A.
literature, critic, classicism, antiquity, drama, genre, narration, style, taste, plausibility, newness
. Genre specific of the poem by P.A. Viazemsky “Commemoration of the battle of Borodino”
... focuses on the genre characteristics of P. A. Viazemsky’s miniature “Commemoration of the battle of Borodino”. Connections of the work with genres of an ode and an elegy are explored. The poem contains in itself elements of traditional ode of the Classicism epoch and largely intertwine with poetic of battle ode, this is largely about praise of the great historical event and Russian arms (Battle of Borodino) and commanders (Miloradovich and Kutuzov), colorful description of the battle, many tropes ...