Civil law of pre-revolutionary Russia as a factor of influence for the development of modern legal doctrine (the case of the personality of the state)
The article evaluates the achievements of Russian pre-revolutionary civil law as the basis for modern civil law. The author identifies the basic elements of the Russian system of civil law, which are unique in their character. The author draws a conclusion about certain similarities in defining the legal position of the state ...
Heritage aspect of personal insurance
... also include the hereditary aspect of personal insurance highlighted in the Concept (paragraph 1, clause 2, article 934 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The purpose of the study is to interpret, given the provisions of the doctrine of civil law, foreign legislation and law enforcement experience, the provisions of paragraph 1 of paragraph 2 of Article 934 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes the right of the heir of the insured person to receive insurance payment ...
The role of the principle of honesty in the principle system of Russian civil law
This article examines the interaction between the principle of honesty and the other principles of the civil law of the Russian Federation. Honesty is manifested in various institutions of law; it interacts with each principle and basic element thus limiting each freedom. It is stressed that honestly — despite having the potential of broad practical application ...
The system and structure of sources of corporate law
This article considers the system and structure of sources of Russian corporate law. Research approaches to the notion and legal nature of sources of corporate law and their place in the system of civil law sources are analysed. The authors address the legal nature of corporate regulations, including the rules and standards of self-regulatory organisations as sources of corporate law.
1. Диденко А. А. К вопросу о развитии ...
The dispositive principle as a basis for economic relations development
... Т. Н. Диспозитивность как принцип российского гражданского права : дис. … канд. юр. наук. Пермь, 2010.
Primak T., Zaytsev O.
sources of law, dispositive principle, contract, law, civil law
On the legal nature of collateral in view of the reforms in the Russia civil legislation
This article addresses certain issues of the legal regulation of collaterals in view of the civil law reforms. The author considers the problem of establishing the legal nature of the collateral, as well as the possibilities of using certain types of collaterals.
1. О совершенствовании Гражданского кодекса Российской ...