Center-periphery theory in spatial development: a critical analysis
... despite its widespread recognition and frequent application, has a limited explanatory and predictive nature. This makes it of limited utility in studying spatial development and requires a critical approach and application.
Kuzin V.Yu.
space, center, periphery, center-peripheral theory, factors, development, criticism
Migration transformation or reboot: Kaliningrad exclave of Russia in new conditions
... frequent application, has a limited explanatory and predictive nature. This makes it of limited utility in studying spatial development and requires a critical approach and application.
Lialina A.V., Plotnikova A.P., Voloshenko K.Yu.
space, center, periphery, center-peripheral theory, factors, development, criticism
The system of transfer pricing: approaches, models, and application in the public sector of economy
... понятия, особенности, подходы к сравнению //
Проблемы современной экономики
. С.
Pashkus V. Yu.
transfer pricing, public sector, responsibility center, the profit center, expenditure center, investment sector.
The adaptive potential and ecology of woody plants of the Irano-Turanian introduction centre in the conditions of the South Baltic (Kaliningrad region)
This article examines the history of the introduction of wood plants from the Irano-Turanian introduction center in the Kaliningrad region. A typological analysis of the introduced species is carried out. The biomorphological and ecotypical structure, as well as the seasonal changes characteristic of these plants, are identified. The authors analyze the acclimatization ...
Kaliningrad Exclave: Electoral Specificity
... the example of which reveals the influence of the exclave factor on electoral specifics. The results of federal elections are viewed as a reaction of voters to socio-economic changes caused by exclave status, as well as to the policy of the federal center in relation to the region. Using calculations of coefficient of loyalty of voting for election participants, the author identifies the main electoral features that have developed over 27 years.
1. Алаев Э. Б. Социально-экономическая ...