Kant’s transcendentalism and concept of the thing in itself
... using the concept of ‘transcendental object’). The data are obtained through the transcendental analysis (reflection) of the process of cognition. The thesis (2) about the dual nature of the thing in itself suggests a solution to Kant’s problem of causality. The thing in itself serves as the referent of the phenomenon, whereas the noumenal thing-in-itself (or the ‘negative noumenon) serves as its meaning (Frege’s semiotic triangle).
1. Abela, P. 2002, Kant’s Empirical Realism, Oxford: ...
“The Transcendental Collapse”: Analytic Reading of Kant
... analyse the “polemical” style of the reading of Kant presented in the works of H. J. Paton, P. F. Strawson, J. Bennett, and others. This approach focuses on the problem of the possibility of experience, with its main source being Kant’s argument for causality in the Second Analogy from the Critique of Pure Reason. As a consequence of its polemic, this approach, as formulated by Bennett, treats the problem of the conditions of the possibility of experience as the problem of imposing a causal order ...
Contextual conditionality of gender-marked lexemes in German male-written memoires of the 19th—20th centuries
... Lebenserinnerungen. Berlin, 1920 // Projekt Gutenberg im Spiegel Online : [сайт]. URL:
Kessler L. A.
male retrospective texts, explication of gender aspects, male identity, gender marked lexemes, contextual causality of gender
The Boundaries of Ecological Ethics: Kant’s Philosophy in Dialog with the “End of Human Exclusiveness” Thesis
... 1998. Kant on Duties Regarding Nonrational Nature. Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume, 72(1), pp. 189-228.
deep ecology, shallow ecology, Kant, ecological ethics, teleology, external purposiveness, “mechanism of nature”, J.-M. Schaeffer, causality
Martynova S. A.