Lessing’s Hamburg Dramaturgy in the “codes of hope” discourse of the Enlightenment
... Elightenment is based on trust in human sensibility, within which, probably unconsciously, in the conditions of newly established autonomy, he discovers the heteronomous orientation of the “compassion” and “fear” existentials underlying his theory of catharsis. In Lessing’s system, these “vertically” positioned psychological states prove to be bridges to nature, in which he seeks the truth. It explains his theory of realism in Hamburg Dramaturgy, which differs radically from Kant’s philosophy....
J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis in search of the criterion of artistry
... the literary fellowship of the Inklings — meant by artistry and what criteria of artistry they were able to develop.
Kosinskaya A.S., Gilmanov V.Kh.
Clive Staples Lewis, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, inklings, criterion of artistry, the reader, catharsis, kalokagathia