The subspecies affiliation of some breeding bird species in the Kaliningrad region. P. 2.1: Passerines — Passeriformes
... Zoogeographie der paläarktischen Region. 1919. Vol. 1. S. 3—24.
21. Dunajewski А. Die euroasiatischen Formen der Gattung Sitta LINN // Acta Ornithologica Musei Zoologici Polonici. 1934. Vol. 1. S. 181—251.
Alex U. (Оleksas О.)
subspecies, breeding birds, Kaliningrad region, Passeriformes
The comparative aspects of breeding bird fauna in Kaliningrad and other European cities
The article offers and an analysis of breeding bird fauna of Kaliningrad incomparison to Polish and one Lithuania cities. A total of 168 species breed in the cities under consideration, 94 (57.7 %) of them are common for all cities. Jacquard's diversity index was used to assess the dependence of species ...
Subspecies affiliation of some nesting bird species in the Kaliningrad region — 1. Non-passeriformes
... Nachbargebiete. Königsberg ; Berlin, 1941. Vol. 1—2.
21. Wink M. Evolution und Phylogenie-Taxonomische Konsequenzen // Vogelwarte. Jg. 2011. № 49. S. 17—24.
Alex U. (Оleksas О.) (translation from German by G. V. Grishanov)
subspecies, breeding birds, Kaliningrad region, Non-Passeriformes