Development of the Zehlau ecosystem (based on the data on peat deposit structure)
This article presents new detailed data on the botanical composition of peat and the structure of peat deposits of the Zehlau raised bog. The authors investigate the history of the ecosystem and provide evidence for the idea that the bog developed through the paludification of a forest area, vast reed vegeta-tion, and rapid succession of different Sphagna communities. The article also ...
The lichen flora of Zadovskoye raised bog in the Slavsk district of the Kaliningrad region
This article provides a historical overview of studies into the lichen flora of raised bogs of the Kaliningrad region. A list of the lichens of the Zadovskoye raised bog (Slavsk district, Kaliningrad region) as well as a taxonomic analysis and data on the ecology of lichens are presented. A schematic map of the occurrence of lichens on ...
The geochronology of the Holocene vegetation deve¬lopment in the South-east Baltic region (based on the results of a paleogeographic study)
This article presents the results a of complex palaeogeographical study of Velikoye peat bog (the Šešupė River basin, the Kaliningrad region). The pollen analysis accompanied by radiocarbon dating, makes it possible to reconstruct the vegetation development, on the basis of which the climate changes in the South-east Baltic region over ...
The traces of Holocene events in the spore and pollen spectra of peat deposits in the southern part of the Kaliningrad Region
... sub-Boreal and sub-Atlantic affected the species composition of broadleaved forests; this period also saw the proliferation of broadleaved-coniferous forests. Pollen diagram was divided into 8 local pollen assemblage zones (LPAZ). The development of the bog was traced by means of peat macroremnants analysis.
область. Очерки природы / Д.
Я. Беренбейм, Д.
А. Брюханов, В.
Д. Ваулина [и др.]. Калининград,...