On fate and/or providence in Pushkin’s short story ‘The blizzard’
It has been repeatedly noted that there are similarities between Pushkin’s short story ‘The blizzard’, Zhukovsky's ballad ‘Svetlana’, from which Pushkin borrowed the epigraph, and Burger's ‘Lenora’, which was twice used by Zhukovsky in different contexts. Differences in the functioning of the traditional plot are considered against ...
The artistic embodiment of meteorological phenomena in the novel “Polar lands — tragic lands” by P.- E. Victor
... of his poetics. The logic of the formation of the visual complex is traced, which combines the realistic approach to the weather phenomena of the Arctic and their literary psychologization. A close connection is revealed between the images of snow, blizzard, frost, wind and the reflection of the worldview of travelers exhausted by difficult living conditions. Analytical observations of the text of the novel also give grounds to assert that the artistic embodiment of meteorological phenomena occupies ...