The comparative aspects of breeding bird fauna in Kaliningrad and other European cities
The article offers and an analysis of breeding bird fauna of Kaliningrad incomparison to Polish and one Lithuania cities. A total of 168 species breed in the cities under consideration, 94 (57.7 %) of them are common for all cities. Jacquard's diversity index was used to assess the dependence of species ...
The preadaptive abilities of birds to inhabit urban environments
Anthropogenic environment, affecting various aspects of birds’ lives, triggers adaptive reactions to changeable conditions. These reactions develop on the basis of preadaptations that create prerequisites for new adaptations. The species that have adaptive abilities can adjust to urban environments. Anthropogenic ...
The subspecies affiliation of some breeding bird species in the Kaliningrad region. P. 2.1: Passerines — Passeriformes
This article (part 2/1) presents data on the taxonomy of birds of the Kaliningrad region in comparison with the taxonomic reviews of birds in Belarus, the Baltic States, Poland, and other European territories. It is the second part of the work that discusses the issue of subspecies affiliation of some breeding ...
The subspecies affiliation of some birds nesting n the Kaliningrad region. Part 2.2: Рasseriformes
This article presents data on the taxonomy of birds in the Kaliningrad re¬gion as compared to the taxonomic reviews of birds of Belarus, the Baltic States, Poland, and other European territories. This is the final part a study into the subspecies affiliation of some nesting species of the order ...
Subspecies affiliation of some nesting bird species in the Kaliningrad region — 1. Non-passeriformes
This article presents data on the taxonomy of birds in the Kaliningrad region in comparison to the materials of taxonomic surveys of birds in Belarus and other areas in Europe. It is the first part of the work focusing on the issue of subspecies affiliation of some breeding species of the orders ...
On the role of Arctic cod in the nutrition of abundant bird species of the Barents Sea
... размещение, численность и роль как потребителей планктона и бентоса // Бюл. Моск. об-ва испыт. природы. Отд. Биол. 1959. Т. 64 (2). С. 39—52.
7. The status of marine birds breeding in the Barents Sea. Norsk Polarinstitutt. 2000. Raport № 113.
8. Инструкции и методические рекомендации по сбору и обработке биологической информации в морях ...
The history of bird studies in the Upper Kama area (the Komi-Permyak district and adjacent territory)
... Красновишерского района Пермской области // Проблемы региональной Красной книги: межведомственный сб. науч. тр. Пермь, 1997. С. 112—113.
Shepel A. I., Kharin R. V.
birds, history of exploration, Perm region, Upper Kama area.