Setting up specially protected natural areas of local significance in Kaliningrad: problems and solutions
... area of local importance. It is shown that the territory of the indicated forest park zone meets the main criteria for designating a specially protected natural area of local importance. Given the urban environment, the territory has a high level of biological diversity, including regionally rare species; within the boundaries of the study area there are unique natural complexes and objects. This is a promising territory to carry out scientific research, environmental educational activities, ecological touristic ...
The Emerald Network of areas of special conservation interest
... глобально угрожаемых видов птиц в Кавказском экорегионе / под ред. Г. С. Джамирзоева, С. А. Букреева. М., 2008.
Zaburaeva Kh., Krasnov E.
areas of special conservation interest, biological diversity, geoecological framework, Emerald network, sustainable development.
The preservation of rare plant species in and in vitro genetic collection
... природных ресурсов РФ № 323 от 6 апреля 2004 г. URL: www.allbusiness. ru/BPravo/DocumShow_DocumlD_90715_DocumlsPrint_Page_1.html (дата обра-
щения: 11.05.2011).
Vetchinkina Ye., Shirnina I., Shirnin S., Molkanova O.
biological diversity, gene banks, seed dormancy, duration of passage.