Microbiological corrosion of soft steel in water-salt medium containing sulfate-reducing bacteria
М., Конашкова Л.
Коррозия и защита металлов: сб. науч. тр.
Калининград, 1978. №
Gribankova A. A., Myamina M. A., Beloglazov S. M.
steel corrosion, sulfate-reducing bacteria, biocide action, organic compounds,
hydrogen absorption of steel, Desulphоvibrio.
Corrosion and hydrogen absorption of cadmium-coated St3 steal in the presence of micromycota
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2(48) С. 38—41.
Myamina M. A., Gribankova A. A.
Corrosion of steel, mycelium minces, biocide action, organic compounds, Cd-coating, Aspergillus niger, Phialofora fastigiata, Penicillium charlesii, Penicillium chrysogenum.