Regional identity as an important component of a bachelor of linguistics’ university training
The article is devoted to considering the significance of regional identity in the context of language education of a bachelor of linguistics. The authors identify the key requirements for professional training, the content of the no-tion of “regional identity”, and the learning environment of language univer-sities facilitating the development of regional identity....
Case-technologies as the means of managerial competence formation of bachelors of linguistics
The article describes the relevance of the managerial competence formation of bachelors of linguistics. The assence of the imperative function, which realizes managerial activity of the foreign language teacher is analysed. The main features of the management of the educational process are characterized. In order to form the managerial ...
The development of ICT competences in the bachelor of management studies
... Technologies // 2nd International Conference “Methods and Instruments of Artificial Intelligence”. Rzeszów, 2010. Р. 103—106.
Solovey M.
competence, interdisciplinary communication, discipline, algorithm, information and communications technologies, bachelor
Similarities and differences in curricula of a bachelor’s degree in oceanology at the universities in St Petersburg, Klaipeda, and Kaliningrad
Conducting a multi-aspect comparative analysis of curricula of bachelor’s degree programmes in oceanology offered at universities in St Petersburg, Klaipeda and Kaliningrad, the authors trace similarities between the existing variants of oceanologist training in the context of competence modules, disciplines, the ...
The evolution of the competency-based and activity-based approaches to teaching languages to non-linguistics students
In this article, I consider teaching professional foreign languages to future bachelors of physical education. I analyse the regulatory, academic, and research literature to summarise the theoretical findings of the study, which seeks to explore and compare requirements for bachelors of physical education and consider the competency-based ...
Modernisation of educational programmes: From a professional standard to education results
... реали-зации практики бакалавров в Мининском университете // Вестник Мининско¬го университета. 2015. № 2 (10). С. 20.
Samsonova N.
program for modernisation of pedagogical education, bachelor in special education, educational module, networking
The model of development of organisational and managerial competence in bachelor students in linguistics
This article considers the problem of developing managerial competence in the process of professional training of bachelors in linguistics. On the basis of the system, competence-based, learner-centered, and communicative approaches, the author builds a model of managerial competence formation in bachelors in linguistics. The author’s model comprises methodological,...