Conceptual-Visual Basis of Functional Hybrid Intelligent Diagnostic Systems
The paper considers the elements and specialities of the diagnostic in the medical field. There is also proposed the categorical kernel of the functional hybrid intellectual diagnostic systems with cognitive visualization of problems in medicine. Such systems would give the opportunity to smooth the conflicting symptomatic data and would make the processes of negotiation of the diagnostic problem visible and contrastive.
1. Румовская С. Б., Колесников А. В., Кириков И. А. Моделирование коллективных...
The second application of transcendental logic
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11. Rohs P. Transzendentale Logik. Meisenheim am Glan, 1976.
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rules and laws of transcendental logic, schema, the axioms of intuition, anticipations of perception, analogies of experience, postulates of empirical thought
Semyonov V. Ye.
The concept of postulate in Kant's philosophy
... Philosophische Versuche über die menschliche Natur und ihre Entwickelung / Besorgt von W. Uebele. Berlin, 1913. Bd. 1.
29. Wolff Chr. Mathematisches Lexicon. Leipzig, 1716.
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postulate, axiom, hypothesis, principle, fundamental principle, maxim, highest good, existence of God, immortality of soul, autonomy of will, faith
Kryshtop L. E.
Approaches to entrepreneurship development through assessing the validity of economic knowledge
This article emphasizes the need to develop methodologies through applying valid economic knowledge within research approaches used in writing final and PhD theses in order to apply this knowledge in the development of entrepreneurship in the context of model approaches. The proposed methodological approach in the field of economic education contributes to the training of highly qualified specialists in economics.
1. Бродель Ф. Материальная цивилизация, экономика и капитализм, XV—XVIII вв...
The teaching on postulates in Kant’s lectures on philosophical theory of religion
... Religionsphilosophie. Berlin ; New York, 1990.
24. Zobrist M. Kants Lehre vom höchsten Gut und die Frage moralischer Motivation // Kant-Studien. 2008. Bd. 99.
postulates, practical reason, existence of god, immortality of soul, freedom, highest good, axiom, moral theology, belief, happiness, virtue, holiness
Kryshtop L. E.
[html]1. Kant, I. 1994a, Kritika prakticheskogo razuma [Critique of practical reason], in: Kant I. Sobr. soch. w 8 t., Moscow, T. 4.2. Kant,...