Author's modality as a text forming category (posing the problem)
... «Театрального романа» М.
Булгакова): автореф. дис. … канд. филол. наук. Нижний Новгород, 1999.
Vaulina S. S., Devina O. V.
modality, textual modality, subjective modality, author's modality, axiological modality,
personalness, idiostyle.
Some aspects of intra-category connections axiological and situational modality (based on somatic phraseological units of the Russian language)
... the value picture of the world of the Russian people. Special attention is paid to the analysis of those shades of modal meanings that overlap and are in motivated interrelated relationships in stable combinations.
Vaulina S.S., Karateeva E.O
modality, axiological modality, situational modality, phraseology, somatic phraseological units, paroemia, proverbs, sayings, somatisms