Axiological content of the ‘altering modus’ of the inserted texts in the novel Morfo Eugenia by A. S. Bayette
The author shows a change of the axiological paradigm in the literature of the 20th—21st centuries using examples from the novel Angels & Insects by the contemporary British writer A. S. Byatt. Retreat from the traditional characterization in the creation of an artistic image and the ...
Axiological analysis of the novel "The Prospector" by Jean- Marie Gustave Le Clézio
The article contains an axiological analysis of the novel "The Prospector" by the French writer Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio. The author of the novel employs a variety of artistic means to express the characters’ and his own value systems referring to the biblical ...
The development of the professional competence axiological component in the students of technical university
This article considers the axiological components of professional competence in the students of a technical university, gives an overview of the model of its formation and presents the results of the experiments facilitating the assessment of the model’s efficiency.
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The features of implementation of the modal meaning of obligation in S. Yesenin’s axiological world view
On the basis of S. Yesenin’s poetry, the authors consider the text function of linguistic units expressing the modal meaning of necessity. The article offers their functional and semantic hierarchy and describes their role in analysing the poet’s axiological world view.
Список сокращений
МАС — Словарь русского языка: в 4 т. / АН СССР, Ин-т рус. яз.; под ред. А.
П. Евгеньевой. М., 1981—1984.
Бабенко ...
On the author’s speech structure of Kant’s axiological discourse
The major difference between Kant's axiological and cognitive discourse is that the former contains a greater number of personal pronouns that signify different speech roles of the author. This text is characterised by a more direct expression of the addressee factor, which explains the ...
Zur Subjekt-Redestruktur des axiologischen Diskurses von I. Kant
The major difference between Kant's axiological and cognitive discourse is that the former contains a greater number of persona pronouns that signify different speech roles of the author. This text is characterised by a more direct expression of the addressee factor, which explains the ...
Author's modality as a text forming category (posing the problem)
This article considers the contentious issue of author's modality as one of the central categories of a text. The authors state their position on the structural-functional correlation of author's modality, subjective modality and axiological modality and define the features of the intracategorial relations of author's modality.
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