Linguistic creativity of the avant-garde: language functions in literary and advertising discourses
... creativity parametrization in contrasting discourse types: cinematic discourse vs. Discourse of children’s literature. Voprosy kognitivnoi lingvistiki [Issues of Cognitive Linguistics], 2, pp. 26—40 (in Russ.).
poetic function, conative function, artistic discourse, advertising discourse, parameters of linguistic creativity
Sokolova O. V., Feshchenko V. V.
Treatise Disguised as Poem: the Border-Line Genre and its Linguistic Features
... 411—418 (in Russ.).
Wittgenstein, L., 1994. Filosofskie raboty [Philosophical Works]. Part 1. Moscow (in Russ.).
Zolyan, S. T., 2014. Semantika i struktura poeticheskogo teksta [Semantics and structure of poetic text]. Moscow (in Russ.).
poetic and artistic discourse, poetic treatise, metatext, deixis, subjectivity, utterance
Feshchenko V.V.