Specific ways to interpret the biblical expressions paradise and hell in the headings of aphoristic definitions
This paper describes ways to interpret the lexemes paradise and hell in definition-like aphorisms resembling a dictionary entry. These definitions use both traditional universal ways to interprets words and specific ones, in particular, association, antonymy-based distinction, repetition-based distinction, and formal signalling. When association ...
The philosophy of the text as texts of philosophy
... i izbrannye pis'ma. V dvukh tomakh [Complete works and selected letters. In two volumes]. Vol. 2. Moscow: Nauka (in Russ.).
Epstein, M. N., 2017. Proektivnyi slovar' gumanitarnykh nauk [Projective Dictionary of Humanities]. Moscow: NLO (in Russ.).
aphorisms, hermeneutics, comprehension, paremia, parables, projective dictionary, subject philosophizing, philosophy, philosophical systems, philosophizing
Tulchinskii G. L.
A page of poetical Kant heritage
... interpretations of both the personality of philosopher and his teaching on God and human being. In his poems about Kant, poet Alexander Kushner demonstrates theological agnosticism, which correlates with Kant’s own theories. In the poem Kant's Mask and the aphorisms Kant Unmasked, Vl. Mikushevich addresses Kant’s attitude to God from the religiousphilosophical point of view. Such dialogue at a high level of poetic and philosophical culture enriches these cultures.
1. Блок А. Собр. соч.: ...