Genesis of the concept of “unclaimed land share” in Russian legislation
... as municipal property; use of the legal mechanism for recognizing ownership of unclaimed land shares as ownerless; limitation of the period of use of the legal category of “unclaimed land share”.
Nilov K.N.
land share, unclaimed land share, land plot, agricultural land, land reform, land conversions
The dynamics of agricultural land use in the North-West of Russia and the Baltic countries
The agricultural land dynamics is one of the central issues of land use in Europe and Russia. Each historical period is characterized by its own model of agricultural land use. The analysis of its dynamics in the North-West of Russia and the Baltic countries was based ...
Trends in agrarian land use and the nutrient balance values ensuring an increase in land fertility
This article analyses major trends in agricultural land use in the Kaliningrad region (the proportions of fallow land, tilled crops, grassland). The author suggests a methodology for calculating soil nutrient balance tested on a farm.
1. Вовлечение в сельскохозяйственное ...
On the role of landscape and geographical factors in the optimisation of regional nature management
охраны природы Калининградской области / под ред. Ю.
А. Цыбина. Калининград, 2004.
Shikhotarova T. V.
regional nature management, landscape and geographical factors, agricultural landscape, optimisation.
The characteristics of the biogenic element of the runoff fr om the drainage areas of the Gulf of Finland basin experiencing a lim ited anthropogenic impact
... Gulf of Finland basin where the monitoring of the streamflow chemical composition was performed. The authors consider the dynamics of biogenic element content in the streamflow, the relation of the drainage areas to certain landscapes, the share of agricultural lands and tillage in the drainage areas, the forest-land percentage, a rural population density, and the forest age and type.
1. Isachenko, A. G. 1995. Jekologicheskaja geografija Severo-Zapada. Part. 2.St. Petersburg.
2. Kondratiev, S. A. 2007. Formirovanie ...