Kant, Radical Agnosticism, and Methodological Eliminativism about Things-in-Themselves
..., and holds that it would be philosophically good to find a resolution of them. However, the author sharply disagrees with the statement that no such resolution can be found. Indeed, he believes that such a resolution has been found. Kantian Radical Agnosticism (KRA) says that ‘we can and do know a priori that we cannot know either the nature of things in themselves or whether things in themselves exist or do not exist’. Kantian Methodological Eliminativism (KME) about things in themselves says ...
A page of poetical Kant heritage
Poems devoted to Kant give different poeticalphilosophical interpretations of both the personality of philosopher and his teaching on God and human being. In his poems about Kant, poet Alexander Kushner demonstrates theological agnosticism, which correlates with Kant’s own theories. In the poem Kant's Mask and the aphorisms Kant Unmasked, Vl. Mikushevich addresses Kant’s attitude to God from the religiousphilosophical point of view. Such dialogue at a high level of poetic ...
Kant's basic idea
... 316—326.
18. Krouglov A. N. Leo Nikolaevič Tolstoj als Leser Kants: Zur Wirkungsgeschichte Kants in Russland // Kant-Studien. 2008. H. 3 (№ 99). S. 361—386.
ethics, practical philosophy, moral ontology, freedom, deed, ultimate end, thing in itself, agnosticism
Polozhentsev A. M.
The system-building role of the thing-in-itself in Kant's philosophy
... "thing-initself" (object, subject and the transition between them), despite the evident opposition, constitutes the object of the central problem of philosophy in Kant's system. Kant is an innovator in both posing and answering the question. This answer is agnostic but not in the empirical or scientific sense, but rather in the solely philosophical meaning of these notions. The answer to his question — regarding both the world and the human being — is infinite as human freedom of creativity.
1. Кант ...
Die systembildende Funktion des Dings an sich in der Philosophie von Kant
... Введение // Там же.
4. Кант И. Первое введение в «Критику способности суждения» // Там же.
thing-in-itself, polysemanticism of notion, general question of philosophy, subject- objeсt relation, agnosticism, cognition, humanism, moral law
Shutschkow W. A.