The development of the components of theoretical and value forming modules of aesthetic culture in primary school children in physical training classes
... А.
Роль и место физической культуры в общеобразовательном процессе // Физическая культура в школе. 2005. №
4. С. 34—36.
Semeniv D. A.
physical culture; aesthetic culture; components of aesthetic culture; a choreography.
On question of formation primary school children’s aesthetic culture
The article deals with practical and theoretical questions of modern education, conducts search for new forms, methods, means and regularities of aesthetic culture of school children. The author considers the formation of primary school children aesthetic culture by means of choreography and the attitude of parents and teachers to this process.
Фокина Е.
Хореография в общеобразовательной ...
The development of aesthetic culture in youth and adults in the course of ballroom dance training as a pedagogical problem
This article considers the relevance, degree of development, and goals and objectives of research on the formation of aesthetic culture in younger and adult students in the process of learning ballroom dancing. The author offers a methodological and theoretical framework for solving the pedagogical problem in question.
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