Peculiarities of confix adverbs in the Russian language of the XXI century: the case of dish recipes
In the XXI century, the prevailing trend towards analytical forms creates absolutely new conditions for adverbial vocabulary development in general and confix adverb development in particular. The article considers semantic, structural and syntactical classification of substantive-adverbial phrases belonging to the thematic group “Dish recipes”, many of which include confix adverbs. The article considers ...
The Praed model sentences: meaning and speech functions.
... classical and modern research papers, the author examines the grammatical status of uninflected words, which are the main members of the sentences of the Praed structural scheme. The author considers that such words should be classified as predicative adverbs rather than a special grammatical category. The article proposes a semantic typology of such adverbs functioning in modern colloquial speech. The author concludes that the sentences of the Praed structural scheme are used in everyday communication ...
The Nature of Appearance in Kant’s Transcendentalism: A Seman- tico-Cognitive Analysis
The concept of appearance within the framework of the transcendental distinction between “appearance” and “thing in itself” is the cornerstone of Kant’s transcendental philosophy. However, its conceptual status seems largely uncertain. This uncertainty is the reason for a wide range of interpretations of Kant’s transcendental idealism. A paradigmatic example is the contemporary confrontation between the “two objects” theory and the “two aspects” theory. In this paper, I develop a semantico-cognitive...