The adaptive potential and ecology of woody plants of the Irano-Turanian introduction centre in the conditions of the South Baltic (Kaliningrad region)
... center in the Kaliningrad region. A typological analysis of the introduced species is carried out. The biomorphological and ecotypical structure, as well as the seasonal changes characteristic of these plants, are identified. The authors analyze the acclimatization and perspectives of further introduction of species from the Irano-Turanian center in the Kaliningrad region.
1. Берг Р. Л. Стандартизирующий отбор в эволюции цветка // Ботан. журн.1956....
Plant biodiversity in the collection of Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University’s Botanical Garden
... provides an informational resource on the biodiversity of the garden’s collection, a systematic characterization of taxa, and the scientific organization of the objects.
Dedkov V.P., Petrova N.G., Kharitonova L.A., Yakovleva T.A., Yakovleva S.A.
acclimatization, adaptation, introduction, taxonomic affiliation, arboretum, biodiversity
Plants of the genus Acer L. in the Kaliningrad regional dendroflora
... 0—88192—007-X.
30. Führer durch die Stadtgärtnerei in Konigsberg (Pr), 1938, 57с.
31. Schwerin F. Jahresversammlung zu Konigsberg in Pr. — Mitt. Dt. dendr. Ges., 1922, Bd. 32, S. 4—52.
Petrova N.G., Yakovleva T.A. Popova E.A.
woody plants, acclimatization, adaptation, introduction, introduction areas, resilience, potential